In this article you will learn how to create a new blog post. This article will teach you how to add content as well as pictures to your blog posts. You'll also learn how to edit the Meta Description for SEO. Blogs are a great way to appear active online and can be used to showcase upcoming new events. 

Note: If you have not yet established a blog on your site or are looking to change the name of a default blog, please use this article: How to Create a Blog

To get started login to your site's Admin.

1. To add a new blog you will need to navigate to "Blog -- Posts."

2. On the resulting page, you will want to click on "Add Post."

NOTE: Required fields are bold and are also highlighted in blue in the screenshots below:

  • Title is what you want to name the post.
  • Content is the body of the article. Add all descriptive text and images here

  • Tags can be added and separated by commas but are not required and be left blank.

  • Excerpt is a short description of the article but is not required and can be left blank.
  • URL Slug will fill itself in. Please leave this as whatever pre-populates in this field. 

  • Status can be either Draft or Published. If you want the post to show on the front end to your customers right away then choose Published. If you want to keep working on your article before it is seen by your customers then choose Draft until you're ready to publish.
  • You can choose to Feature a blog post if you want it to show up first on the page.

  • Blog is a dropdown menu of your available blogs to add this particular post to. In most cases the default will be "Our Blog."  You are able to create more than one blog (for example, Our Blog or Events). Learn how to make additional blogs here.
  • Category is a dropdown menu of your available blog categories that you want this particular post to be part of. In most cases the default will be "Our Blog: General." You are able to create more than one category (for example, General or Jewelry Education). Learn how to make additional blogs here.

  • Publish Date is a required field for what day and time you'd like the post to be published on the site. If you leave the default it will be the day and time you started the post. If you choose to Draft your post, the publish date will not override the Draft option. You can choose to date your post in the future as well if you want to write the post now and have it automatically post to the site on a particular day and time. Keep in mind that all times are in Pacific Standard Time (PST).
  • Expiration Date is not a required field but can be used to have your blog post be taken down automatically on a certain day and time if you do not want it showing on the site anymore.

Meta Info:

  • Author can be filled in if you want to track who wrote each article. This will default to the name of the person signed into the admin of the site and is not required to change.
  • Title Tag effects the descriptive text in the tab of your web browser (ie, the tab you have open to view the post in Chrome, Firefox, etc...) and can help with Search Engine Optimization (SEO). You can change this text to anything you want but it is not required and can be left blank.
  • Cover Image is not required but highly recommended. This is the image will serve as a thumbnail that will display on the main Blog page above the title and excerpt. The size shouldn't be larger than about 600 pixels and can be any shape but we recommend that you keep them all consistent.
  • Cover Image URL can be left blank. 
  • Meta Keywords is currently grayed out and can not be edited. Meta keywords are no longer useful with SEO and can be left blank. 
  • Meta Description is used to describe your article in a few words and effects SEO. This description will not show anywhere on the actual site, it only effects search engines. This field is also not required and can be left blank.

Lastly, don't forget to hit "SAVE" to save your blog!