The Thinkspace platform allows you to create a blog or multiple blogs. In some cases you may use multiple blogs to differentiate fun or educational pieces from in-store events or promotions. Please follow these simple steps.

Blogs are a great way to appear active online and can be used to showcase upcoming new events. 

Note: If you are looking to add a new post to an already existing blog, please use this article: Add a New Blog Post

To get started login to your site's Admin.

1. In your admin view, click Blog > Blogs.

2. On the resulting page, click Add Blog.

3. On the next page, add your blog's name. (In this example we are creating two blogs. The first is "ABC Jewelers Blog" and the second is "ABC Jewelers Events Blog." (Note: the Slug will fill in automatically. The Slug will act as part of the URL for the blog page. In this example, the ABC Jewelers Blog would have a URL of

4. In the Authors field, click in the open text box. You will see a list of the site's admin users. Click on your User Name. Once clicked, it should appear in the window. (If you need to add an Author, click the plus sign to establish a new user.) Once the author has been selected, click SAVE.

5. The resulting page should look like this:

6. You may repeat steps 2 through 5 to establish additional blogs. 

IMPORTANT: Now that you've named your Blogs, YOU MUST establish at least one "Category."

You may choose to establish several categories to differentiate different styles of article. For instance, some articles may be educational, some may be specifically about industry news, some may be about diamonds. You can choose what kind of categories you'd like to use or you can just one "General" category for all items.

1. In your admin view, click Blog > Blog Categories.

2. On the resulting page, click Add Category.

3. On the resulting Add Category page, choose the Blog name to which this new Category will be assigned. (In this example, we will be assigning a "General" category to the blog called "ABC Jewelers Blog.")

4, With the blog name selected, type in the Name of the category. The Slug will fill in automatically. The "Position" and "Relative to" may be left alone with the default information in place. Then SAVE.

5. Resulting page should look like this. You are now ready to post your first blog item. See our tips on Adding a New Blog Post.

6. Now that you’ve created a blog, make sure to determine where the new blog will live on your site. It’s common to place a blog within the “About” menu category:

But you may want to link it elsewhere, or add a Blog Posts section to your homepage:

Refresh your knowledge on how to link to the blog from elsewhere on your site with these articles: