Thinkspace has the ability to display financing terms/options on the detail page of every jewelry item on your new website. In this article you will learn how to show financing options and, if you choose, enable a financing calculator. To get started login to your site's Admin.

Financing Terms

Once you see the main navigation of the admin:

  • Choose Shop and then Financing Terms.
  • Click on Add Financing Term

  • On the next screen you will see all of the information needed in order to create each of the financing terms you would like. Bold items are required.
    • Start Price
    • End Price
    • Number of Months
    • Interest Factor
    • Tax Rate
    • Down Payment
    • Minimum Payment
    • Extra Fees
  • Click Save to go back to the main Financing Terms page or click Save and Continue to save your progress and keep working.

Below is an example of what a full range of terms could look like once they've all been added: (Note: If you want to edit or delete any of the existing Financing terms, just click on the Start Price and you will be taken to the edit screen where you can either edit the fields or delete the entire term).

Below is an example of what this will look like to the customer on the front-end of the site:

Financing Calculator

If you would like your customer to be able to estimate their payments and/or what they can afford, we also offer a financing calculator. In order to enable the financing calculator on the site, you will need to place the Financing Calculator widget on a content page. In most cases this will be your Financing page.

  • Start by navigating to Content and then Pages
  • On the next page, scroll to find the page where you'd like to place the Financing Calculator. In this case, we would find the page called Financing and click on the name in order to edit it. If you need to add a New Page, you can use this article to help.
  • Choose the Dock called Content.
  • From the Widget Library, click and drag the Financing Calculator widget into the Content dock. Place the widget wherever you want the calculator to show up (in the example below, the calculator will show after the intro text but before the description on the page).
  • Once the widget is in place, you can add some text to the Header section of the widget or you can just Save. The widget will automatically use the information you placed into the Financing Terms section above in order to help the customer calculate their purchase.

Below is an example of what this will look like to the customer on the front-end of the site:


This feature cannot be connected with a third-party financing service. It is simply a basic feature your customer could use to calculate a potential monthly payment.