In this article you will learn how to create a general page on your site, such as a page for a seasonal sale, a service you offer, your company's history, etc. 

To get started login to your site's Admin.

In this Article

Determine content hierarchy

Before creating a page, consider where the page will live on your site. A company history page, for example, may require a Menu update. A seasonal sale page might live within a menu as well as a new banner or slideshow image:

Refresh your content hierarchy knowledge with these articles:

Create a page

Every page on your site is located in your Admin's main menu under Content > Pages. To add a new page click the Add Page button in the top right hand corner.

Once you're on the Add Page form, the most important (and required) areas are selecting the Type / Template to use for the Page, and entering a Title and URL. For the Type / Template you'll typically use General unless you're doing something more advanced which we'll review later in this article.

By default, pages are not published, this is to allow you time to draft the content page before making it available for your website visitors.

Edit a page's layout and options

There are several layout options included by default, the most common style is a full width page or a page with a sidebar on the right. Think about the content you're trying to add and how best it should be laid out when deciding. Also if the majority of your other pages have a sidebar on the right-hand side, consistency can be helpful.

There are four main page layouts built in by default into your site for your user, Full Width, Columns, Sidebar Right, and Sidebar Left. A few examples below, click to zoom for a larger view:

Full Width


Sidebar Right

Sidebar Left

  1. Click "Edit Options"
  2. Un-check the 'Full Width' box and then click "Save & Continue Editing"
  3. Once the page refreshes, from the Page Layout Value Dropdown select your preferred layout option.
    NOTE: Below, see visual references for the four Page Layout options of the General Page Type/Template.
  4. Once you've selected your Page Layout click "Save". This will bring you back to the area where you can start to add Widgets (which hold your content) to Docks, which hold widgets.

Add content to a page

Pages are made up of Docks which are sections on the website and Widgets which are pre-built types of content you can add into these sections or Docks. Our Widget Library includes all sorts of useful content from your basic content or rich text editor (similar to Microsoft Word) to widgets for adding product to a page, to incorporating your newsletter or social media feed. For a full list of Widgets and what they offer you can view them here.

To add a widget to your page you'll: 

  1. Select the Dock or section you're looking to adjust
  2. Grab a Widget from the Widget Library
  3. Drag that Widget into the Dock in the order you would like.
  4. Once that widget is in position, simply click on it to edit.
  5. Don't forget to Save Widget

Note: You can add more than one widget to a dock and you can also reorder how they're laid out on the page by simply dragging the widgets around.

To save, delete, or move a widget, click on the widget in order to edit it and scroll down to the bottom of the widget edit form.

Once your page is created and published you can check your work by clicking the "View on site" button near the upper-right hand corner. 

This will open the page you have created/been editing on the front-end. You can also edit this page directly on the front-end, for more information, please read our article on front-end editing.