In this article you will learn how to add or replace social media links on your website. These are often represented by icons in the header or footer of your site and each icon links to a particular social media platform in a new window.

To get started login to your site's Admin.

  • From the Dashboard for your admin, navigate to Settings > Social
  • On the Social Preferences page you will see that the first few fields are for pixels and other integrations. These are very specific codes that would be provided to you by the relevant platforms - this is NOT where you would input your social media links.
    Note: Your AddThis code will be provided for you by the Thinkspace team during the development process of your site.
  • Use the Social Profile Links area to input or edit all of the social media links that you would like to share with your customers. The social media profiles that Thinkspace provides default icons for are listed in the screenshots below.
  • Add or edit your social media link to the field of the same name - so for instance, your Facebook link would go in the field named Facebook. 
  • You can choose to add or edit the Label for any of these social media fields if you prefer to call the page something other than what is provided. This is not required and the default label appears in the field so you know what will show if the field is left un-edited.
  • Make sure to Save and you're all set!