In this article, we will show you how to create a product feed from within the admin of your site. You can use the product feeds to download the product data for social media such as Google and Facebook. Currently supported feeds are as below:
To get started login to your site's Admin.
Once you are logged into the admin, you will see a menu bar at the very top.
To get to the brand feeds, you will need to select "Catalog > Product Feeds."
Once you arrive on the next page, this is where you will setup each of your product/brand feeds for the products that you wish to showcase on either Facebook/Google. Please note: Google and Facebook are two different type of feeds, so if you need one for each company - then you will need to create two product feeds. One for Google and one for Facebook. This also goes for each brand - you will need to create a new product feed for each brand you wish to showcase.
Click on the button that says "Add Product Feed."
On the next page, this is where you will setup the brand information.
1. Status: Do you want your feed to be active or deactivated? Brand feeds that are active will update naturally and those deactivated will no longer update.
2. Brand: This is the brand that you would like to pull the product data from. Each brand that you want to showcase on your social media will need it's only link.
3. Integration: Facebook, Google and ShareAsale. These are the options for your product feed. These are the currently supported product feeds.
4. Update Interval: How often you want the products to update on the feed. Generally, we would recommend weekly.
Once you are done, click on either the "Save and Continue Editing" or "Save" button to save your feed. If you click "Save" it will take you back to the product feed page so you can see your link. If it does not, then you can use the menu to go back to "Catalog > Product Feeds."
This is the link that you will use for your social media. You can also put the link into a browser and download the txt or csv (depending upon the social media you chose) and use that to showcase your products instead. You will need to repeat these steps for each brand that you wish to showcase the products for. Therefore, you will most likely have multiple product feeds.
If you have any questions about this, please email into support for additional assistance at [email protected].