One option that many Thinkspace retailers utilize to better control their website data is to integrate their Point of Sale system with their website.  This allows for their products that they have in stock to automatically feed to the website, typically on a once-per-day basis.  In most systems this will pull in the pictures that are shown within the POS system along with pricing information, item descriptions, brand, metal types, and various other categories and details.

The systems that Thinkspace currently has integrated with are as follows:

Other jewelry specific systems that may be available include:

  • Gemini
  • SWIM
  • MI9

If you don't see your POS system listed, please review the following information and then reach out to or your account manager with the responses:

  • First and most importantly - Can they do a file export?
    If yes, please send us the file to review. If not, that's a dealbreaker and we won't be able to work with the system.

From there, if the answer is "yes" and they can get us an export then please ask them these other following questions and we will be able to give a better assessment from there.

  • Can they export images?
    If yes, great! If no, it would be a little trickier set up but not a dealbreaker.
  • Can the export be run on a schedule without a human in the loop?
    If yes, great! If no, that would be another dealbreaker and we won't be able to work with the system.  
  • Can the software export to FTP?
    If yes, great! If no, it would be potentially more expensive and more time.

We can work on a quote for time once we have a data file and answers to the above questions. We may also be able to help answering these questions if they have a manual or documentation we can review. If they do have documentation, please email them to and we will review and respond.

For pricing and availability, please contact your account manager to discuss the details.

Also see our point of sale integration process documentation.