In this article you will learn how to re-authenticate your Instagram Widget when you notice your Instagram posts are no longer showing.  From time to time, the widget may time out or need re-authentication to correctly show your posts from Instagram and this article will outline the steps need to do so.

To get started login to your site's Admin.

1. From the top menu you will want to navigate to "Content" and then "Pages."

2. On the next page, do a search for your homepage (or where ever your posts are located):

3. Click on the title of your home page and it will take you to the widgets/dock section of your page. From the righthand side there is an option to select a dock. Choose 1 Social Instagram:

NOTE: Not all Instagram Widgets may be located here. There might be another dock that this is located in. You can search through the docks to find the one that has the "Instagram" Widget in it, but if you need help please reach out to support.

4. Then choose the Instagram widget. You will want to sign in and then make sure to save the widget to make your changes live.

If this is your first time using the widget, you will want to sign into your account and authenticate it. Don't forget to hit save at the bottom of the widget. Refresh your homepage to confirm you are able to see your Instagram posts. 

If you run into any trouble with this, please reach out to