Thinkspace websites use your companies email addresses in many different locations, for many purposes.  This article will show you where these locations are in the Admin and what they are used for so you can change them when you need to.

 Feature Name  What this email address recieves  Multiple emails?  Link  From Dashboard
Receipts THE FROM EMAIL used when Receipts are sent NO /admin/preferences/email/ Settings / Email
Email Delivery  Default FROM email address when emails are sent  NO /admin/preferences/email/ Settings / Email
Jewelrybox   FROM Email for Jewelrybox emails  NO /admin/preferences/email/ Settings / Email
Appointment Requests Appointment requests from clients using the site  (same as 'Settings / Email') address  NO /admin/preferences/tsj_5Fappointment/ Settings / Appointments
Job Applications Applications for employment submitted on the site ?? /admin/preferences/ts_5Fcompany/ Settings / Company
Store Locations emails Emails for each store location - One for each location NO /admin/ts_company/location/ Company / Locations
Employee's Emails Email addresses for employee's listed in the employee table NO /admin/ts_company/employee/ Compnay / Employees
Contact Us form Clients using the "Contact Us" page and form YES /admin/emailform/formtype/ Forms / Form Types
Inquiry Operator -form The inquiry email that goes to the store representative YES /admin/emailform/formtype/
Forms / Form Types
Inquiry - form Product Detail Pages - Product Inquiries - this is the one that goes to the client - email doesn't matter here Not used really /admin/emailform/formtype/
Forms / Form Types
E-Comm Receipts Orders placed on website - the copy that goes to the store ?? /admin/preferences/tsj_5Fcommerce_5Flocal/ Settings / Commerce