In this article you will learn how to change and edit your store hours.


To get started login to your site's Admin.


1. In the site admin, go to Company and then select Stores:



2. Next select the store that you want to edit:




3. On the right hand side you will see hours listed for your store. This is where you will edit the hours for each store location:


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4. To set your store hours, click on the clock next to the corresponding column to set Open or Close hours, then use the up and down arrows to adjust your hours. You can also check the boxes next to "Closed" and "Appointment" if you are closed on those days or are only open by appointment.


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5. Once you are done selecting your hours, you will need to save your changes. You can do this by either hitting "Save" or "Save and Continue Editing."  


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That's it, you just changed your store hours and once you hit save they should be reflected on the front end of the site!