In order to sell online, you'll want to have a convenient way to ship your products directly to your customers. And depending on the customer's preference, they may want to pay to have that shipped sooner rather than later. Thinkspace has a robust shipping method and rule system to allow you to customize your shipping rates based on the type of shipping and the total amount the customer orders.

To get started login to your site's Admin.

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Add a Shipping Method

  • Navigate to Shop > Order Shipment Methods
  • Click the Add Order Shipment Method button in the top right hand corner.

Once you're on the Add Order Shipment Method form, give it a descriptive name, this name is what your customers will see and select. Each method has a status so if you wanted to remove it from the site. Slug is auto-populated for your convenience, this is used by the system and is typically lowercase with no spaces.

Maybe you're adding FedEx 2Day A.M. and FedEx 2Day, you can create as many as you like, simply click Save & Add Another. More importantly research what shippers are in your area and what is convenient for your team and customers.

Edit a Shipping Method

  • Navigate to Shop > Order Shipment Methods
  • Click on the shipping method you're looking to adjust to be directed to the Edit form
  • Don't forget to Save!

Remove a Shipping Method

  • Navigate to Shop > Order Shipment Methods
  • Either select the shipping method and select Delete under the dropdown of quick Actions or,
  • Click on the shipping method you're looking to adjust and click the Delete button in the bottom left corner under the form.

Tip: Status can be used to remove the shipping method without deleting it, this can be a safe option.