We encourage frequent updates to your inventory and marketing, please use the following guidelines to provide brand updates.


Brand Profile:

Logo:  300x150 pixels

Banner: 1500 x 500 pixels

Mobile Banner: 480 x 540 pixels

Brand Bio: Paragraph with your brand story, basic HTML markup supported


Central Data:

Central data is shared across all authorized retailers in our system.

All on-hand data must be routed through the retailer's POS integration or provided through API integration.

View the Thinkspace inventory template on google drive: https://bit.ly/36GrqVI or download it for excel. http://bit.ly/3ZfeNc3

Pricing and Markup:

If you provide pricing, please make sure COST and MSRP are clearly defined, also if you have Canadian and US retailers, please consider CAD and USD pricing.  

If COST is provided, let us know your default markup is so that we can recommend a default to the retailer.

Pricing data must be kept up to date, please ask us about automating your brand feed.



Images should be preferably square, at least 800x800 px in jpg or png format.  png with transparency is fine too and encouraged if you have them.

Support cannot accept a file bigger than 15Mb through email, so if your image zip file is bigger than that, please send it using the software file-transfer service of your choice.


If you have any questions, then please reply back to this email or write us at [email protected] with your name, phone, and email and we’ll reach out.